Thursday, April 03, 2003


Is this Saddam Hussein's manual of warfare? asks Dr. Paranoia

LOOKING AHEAD by Wally Dobelis
Dr. Paranoia claims that he has gained telekinetic access to Saddam Hussein's secret "Dictator's Handbook." Whether authentic or not, he provides some excerpts from it:
The purpose of the ruler is to assert the supremacy and glory of his nation. Protecting the ruler is the only principle that matters in the existence of a nation. But no ruler is safe against internal subversion. To assume and hold the power in a divided country, control of one party is paramount. The members of such a party, proclaimed the true patriots, can be induced to liquidate the leaders of other parties, eventually giving the ruler total control. Chemical and biological weapons may be used in mass extermination of enemies [e.g. "Chemical Ali" Hassan al Majid at Halabja]. The blood shed will unite the ruler's death squad against the opponent populace. An opponent should be captured, tortured and his family threatened, to induce him to denounce his collaborators, and actually participate in killing them . After that, he is yours, he has no place else to go.
Be suspicious of everyone. Do not turn your back on converted enemies; liquidate them after they are no longer useful. Suspect those who express too much enthusiasm for your government, they are waiting to take over. Get rid of those of your comrades who have gained too much popularity, or tend to take control; liquidate them under a pretense, in faked accidents [e.g. Adnan Khairallah] or illness [e.g. Hassan al-Bakr].
Reward your death squad, they are your best defense. Give them privileges; let them terrorize the populace, suppress expression of opinion and kill the people who speak out or talk to foreigners. The squad members are united in fear; if you are deposed, the populace will rise and destroy your henchmen. Your survival is the killer squads' only means of staying alive. But do not let them come too close, someone in the squad may try to assassinate the ruler to buy forgiveness from the oppressed populace.

If a war comes and armies of liberation try to depose the ruler, there are no limits to the defenders' tactics. Killing one's own civilians works well. Send lightly armed soldiers, civilians and children against armor [e.g. Iranians in 1980]. The more civilians die in protecting the ruler, the better the chances of his government's survival, through the creation of outrage against the armies of liberation throughout the world. This is the age of information; use the media, distribute the TV pictures of dead and injured civilians and bombed buildings to the world. "Create" pictures, deny guilt. The softhearted of the world will protest and stop the "outrages," and send volunteers.
Save your soldiers, but do not worry about them dying. If you characterize your enemies as anti-Islam devils determined to destroy the true believers, volunteers from Islamic countries will come to take the soldiers' place. Claim that the opponents are out to grab control over the oil, that will enrage more Arabs.
The Geneva Convention is for the weak. Use what the Convention calls "perfidy;" these are important strategies for winning the war. Dress your fighters as civilians, hide them within a group of hijacked locals pretending to greet the enemy, then ambush. This demoralizes the enemy. If they start killing the mixed group indiscriminately, protest the "outrage." Claim that the ambushers are angry patriotic volunteers, outside the military's control.
Use hostages - your own people, foreigners or captured soldiers - as human shields, protecting military assets. Force the parents to fight by threatening their children; make boys use guns by holding the parents as hostages. Make schools, hospitals and civic buildings the hiding places for arms. This will prompt the enemy to bomb them and create more civilian deaths, and a reaction in the world. Killing captured enemies will create anger among them, leading to true counter-atrocities. Blame outraged civilian patriots for the killing of captives.
Destroy your own resources - oil wells and refineries - and blame the enemy. Destroy the electric facilities and water supply of your own people to create a reaction of outrage and incite the civilian population. If the civilians are Shiites or Kurds, anti-government people, so much the better that they die.
Invoke patriotism. Encourage suicide bombers. Fight in the streets. It will create civilian deaths and patriotic outcry, and prompt more world opinion. The enemy's technological superiority will not help in beating back determined guerilla street fighters. Kill the enemies, they are unable to take death of their young men and women, and will give up the war. Remember Somalia.

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