Thursday, May 27, 2010


Cure oil disaster fast; need jobs

LOOKING AHEAD by Wally Dobelis

US needs jobs to bring us back to reason

Top of the list for the moment (jobs is first), President Barack Obama has to take action on the oil disaster. We should know what Washington is doing, besides forming committees, now that BP has siphoned some oil and “thinks” it can slow the outflow with drilling mud. Why is there no help from the organization of the late Red Adair, oil disaster master? Further, what about the USSR method of exploding small nuclear bombs in shafts dug way down next to the leaks, used between 1966 and 1981 to crush five oil and gas leak lines? Forgetting the nukes, how about using superpowerful conventional explosives? Is this geologically or politically incorrect? We should know.

Now, Tea Party. Cityites may not realize how deep the recession has hit upstate NY. Late in January, in Copake, 100 miles north of Herald Square, a farmer shot his 51 milk cows dead, and then killed himself. Neighbors quietly opined that milk prices were low and fodder expensive. Early in May, another nearby farmer’s neighbors found eleven dead calves and cows on his family property, dead of malnutrition. The local weekly, Columbia Paper, quietly opined that malnutrition due to slow arrival of grass this cold spring was at fault, and the poor farm family, being guilty of growing old, of pride and unwillingness to beg for neighbors’ help, should not have been jailed. NYS government should have helped, not put them in prison.

On the opposite page of the paper, in a Letter, another neighbor, proud to be well educated, a businessman and a Tea Party member, declared that the taxes our working class citizens have been paying to the overreaching government have been wasted by the fools in Albany and Washington. Now his party people have found a way to stop Socialism. Current administration’s policies have weakened America and will bankrupt the country. We do not want, nor do we need, to have government to take care of us, we all able-bodied people should do that ourselves. Trumped up crises and class warfare feelings are led by an inexperienced pseudo-intellectual community organizer who is degrading our country and apologizing for it. We do not care for the color of his skin, but we care about his politics. The budget deficit has risen three and four-fold, but stopping the spending of money may save us. .We can create jobs fast, by letting businessmen keep the money and reinvest it in jobs. We bailed out banks and car companies but ignored the small businessman. Immigration? Just deport the illegals. Socialism here? Yes, government-run health system is socialist, and will destroy the US healthcare, the best system in the world. Is Tea Party guilty of hate talk? The author thinks dissent is the highest form of patriotism, and concludes by urging readers to listen to Rush, Hannity and Beck and watch Heritage Foundation and read the Constitution.

This condensation and oversimplification does not give justice to the serious and thought-out phrases of the protester’s letter. Apart from not mentioning that global warming is a hoax, this essay is not far from what many of our working class tax-paying upstate town and country cousins cite conversationally, when political issues come up. It is frustration, impotence and an anger at all those in office, who do not help restore jobs, and actually have to cut them, to balance state budgets. This “stop government spending” attitude persists, and will be a serious force in the next several elections, even in NYS, although people know, and another neighbor pointed out, in the next mid-May issue of Columbia Paper, the complainer’s public school education was provided by the government, as were the roads and the busses that he took to classes, the clean water, good meats and vegetables, secure air planes, defense against contagious diseases, personal and national safety, parks, public libraries and disaster assistance - all matters that the able-bodied people could not do by themselves.

Earnest, sincere Dr. Rand Paul’s winning of the Republican primary in Kentucky for the US Senate is proof, although, along with cutting taxes, balancing budgets and depending on charity instead of government services , he will also raise the Social Security eligibility age. The Tea Party is essentially split between the Austrian School small-government people (if you want a theoretical backup identified, look at Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, even back to St. Thomas Aquinas, also neocons) and the seniors who want to retain FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society Medicare benefits In Utah, Tea Party ousted conservative Sen. Robert Bennett because he supported the bank bailout. Rand Paul, as strategist Paul Begala discovers, would also like to abolish the Federal Reserve System and the federal Department of Education. Whether the latter ties in with his idea of opposing the line in Civil Rights Act of 1964 that requires restaurants and luncheonettes to permit anyone to be serviced, a privacy issue (he should ask SC justice Scalia about the constitutionality of privacy) .

This angry and irrational protest against all incumbents will persist. Jobs, jobs jobs –that is the way for Obama to respond to it; provide infrastructure jobs, that’s local, and work on energy, that’s national.

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