Thursday, August 23, 2012


Political dogs & cats

LOOKING AHEAD by Wally Dobelis Political dogs & cats My regrets for being late in contributing to the T&V issue dealing with dogs and people, an important association in an urban area with limited park and street space. The sharing of territory between men and animals carries a substantial impact on our crowded quality of life I want to raise the discourse on a higher level, dealing with dogs on a national level, political subcategory. This one dog rose well above the common crowd, both figuratively and literally, riding, cross-country, on the top of a car. This trip may have had a worldwide impact, in the election of the next world leader, the President of the US. Actually, three other dogs have already had impact ton the elections of US Presidents. In 1944 FDR, during a wartime visit to the West, left his little Scottish terrier Fala in the Aleutians, and sent the US Air force to retrieve the animal companion. When berated by political opponents for misuse of US property, he said, more or less:” You can attack me, my wife and my family. but attacking my dog is beyond the pale," a speech that helped him materially in his last election, In 1952, Richard Nixon, reaching for acclaim, was accused of using a slush fund to win elections. In response, he gave the famous Checkers speech,” will give back the money you deem Vie accepted incorrectly, but there is one present I will never give back, a little cocker spaniel, a gift that I will never give back," a speech that helped the fierce warrior in acquiring a more humanitarian stature. On the other hand President LBJohnson lost some reputation, when photographed while lifting some beagles by their ears, although ex-President HSTruman told the world that "that is the way we have to lift hounds." All or nearly all American presidents have had household animals as pets, particularly dogs and their riding horse. Some strange choices: JQAdams had an American alligator, Andrew Jackson's parakeet was taught to swear (he also had fighting cocks), Martin little Scottish terrier van Buren had tiger cubs, and Abraham Lincoln had a whole barn full of pets, as did TRoosevelt and WWilson .JFK had a host of pets, including a parakeet, and RReagan returned the style back to riding horses, at his Rancho del Cielo. And many more presidents have relished their canine companion including Obama's Bo a Portuguese water dog. Cat lovers are scarcer, the feline projects a less heroic image, although pet people know that the humble pussy is much more self-reliant, entrepreneurial and inventive, natural function wise, than the brave doggie, who needs people to take it out for a walk twice a day. Cats are choosy in their love, while the doggie pledges allegiance much more easily, to whoever the caregiver. If you choose to draw political parallels, be free, but I ask you, semi-seriously, whether you would rather vote for a cat or dog, when choosing the holder of the appropriate office. Historically, among Presidents of the US William Clinton's Socks, black with white face and collar, is best remembered; GWBush's Ernie and India get little press. Ronald Reagan had two tortoiseshell strays, Cleo and Sara, Jimmy Carter's daughter had Misty Malarky, JFK's Caroline had a Tom, Cal Coolidge's Tiger accompanied him on state occasions, and then we can go back to TRoosevelt, R Hayes, and of course as always Abraham Lincoln Wally Dobelis thanks Internet sources...ed

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