Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Post-election wishes and Sandy comments
LOOKING AHEAD by Wally Dobelis
Post-election wishes and Sandy comments
This is a message of best wishes to President Barack Obama, and a prayer. How can any man, mild Barry or harsh Mitt, expect to steer the world to survival, in the pervasive atmosphere of the concurrent crises, actually catastrophies, of internal economic recession, Mideastern terrors, European collapse and , above all, the longterm fatal to Planet Earth climate change?
The prayer is for our internal strife to come to its senses, and the Mitch McConnell and Grover Norquist types, who destroyed the recovery attempts for two years , and the righteous leftwing Democrats who want a few more tax bucks from the plutos , come to an agreement in the interests of the social compact, the source of humanities’ survival and progress since the Neandertals turned domestic (look it up, google Hobbes, Locke).There are ways of compromise without rubbing the adversaries noses in dirt, such as using cuts of certain tax exemptions for revenue fromhigh income earners.
The political scene stands in contrast to the wonderful humanitarian effort and the cooperation of neighbors we see in the coping with and in the curing of the wounds of hurricane Sandy and its Northwester baby brother.
Some signs of good sense and return to sanity good emerge when a Conservative stalwart, like publisher Christopher Ruddy of the Newsmax corporation, analyses the sources of the GOP defeat.
To begin, he lists the easy excuses, such as the two hurricanes, starting with the Tampa storms of late August, bumping off star speaker Marco Rubio, dutto Mitt Romney’s sypathetic biography, and allowing the injecting of Clint Eastwood’s inanities. But Mitt recovered in the first Denver debate in October, and held, until Sandy, on October 29, gave the President a chance to show leadership . Ruddy calls Gov. Chris Christie’s gratitude a treachery [btw, where does that place the McConnell and Norquist actions?], but has other , more weighty reasons to demean the Republican campaign.
No.1, the Romney choice of inexperienced Paul Ryan for VP, almost unexplicable, and showing lack of political wisdom.. No. 2 was the Ryan Budget Plan, abolishing Medicare in 10 years.. When Romney realized his error and downplayed Ryan, it was too late . [Incidentally, there are polls showing 55% vote for Romney among older white men and women, as opposed to Obama’s dominance with over 50% votes in all other demographic and ethnic catergories, which seem to point to generational selfishness . Sort of like après moi la deluge, hein? Again, think of the social compact]. No. 3 mistake, energizing the conservative base vote, instead of the middle (sometimes called the “Clinton Democrats”), seems like preaching to the choir. No. 4, the absence of a plan, a promise of 12 Million jobs without the “how to” information, is a bit much for even the conservatives, as is No.5, a crushing optimism, reminding the rational Republican voters of the grand tax cutting schemes, from Jack Kemp to Newt Gingrich. Christopher Ruddy ends with regretting the absence of hard rhetoric, the kind Romney used against Gingrich, and is appalled at the dissing of Hispanics.
Whether this realistic attitude will prevail among the social Conservatives, cooling the no-tax and religious extremists, is questionable. Certainly the Liberals seem determined not to let Obama give any way in what is turning into a “soak the rich” credo. The ultimate threat, “falling off the cliff” at NewYear’s, increasing and then selectively reducing taxes is too histrionic for this aging country, but it may come to that, alas But if anyone listens to my 60 years experience in risk analysis and consensus-forming, a compromise requires total effort of refraining from demeaning the opponent, of guilt making, and a requirement to find items of consensus, making the stubborn opponent a co-author. It can work in settling US budget, and Iran’s A-bomb, if the fear of the of the shiite ayatollahs from the 1B sunni muslims can be stilled. It is very simple if the Iranians stop nuclear development, we promise that Arab League will stop asking for their own nukes,As TR said, be humble but carry a big stick.I sometimes think I am living in a world of ignorants and those unwilling to rearn, a return to Neanderthal era. W. J. Clinton is a great president and post-president because he learned these family relationship clues while still in 8th grade. .
Back to Sandy. Besides the national political im pact and the tremendous destructive effects in NJ, Staten Island and the Rockaways, Sandy has hugely affected T&V Country. Stuy Town/PCV are still suffering outages, particularly along Avenue C, all in purported safe Zone B territory, that will take much time and heartaches to repair.The loss includes the destruction of hundreds of automobiles in the ST garages. My car died in Garage 5, when it was overwhelmed by a six-foot wave on October 29. The owner, QuikPark, was not answering phone calls, the garage phone registered “busy” and still is, and no positive information was available until we personally visited on Election Day, to verify the bad news. Allstate ‘s affirmation and acceptance of a claim-by- phone report came November 8, and I retrieved my papers and license plates a day later (the garage workers were very cooperative and wore paper breathing masks, to prevent inhaling the mold spores) Traveling back and forth –I had to supply an Allen wrenth to retrieve the plates – I learned from other tenants about the 1993 flood, a much more shallow one, and of Geico inspectors writing on-the-spot claim checks (not verified). None were seen, but a Travelers’ man estimated total car loss from Sandy as 250,000 vehicles, 20,000 for his company and equal amounts for Allstate, State Farm and Geico, for starters. Waiting for the 14 Street bus, I got to talk with ConEd workers from the huge plant across from the garage, and heard that maybe 200 electric motors – elevator, pump, other utility - have been flooded in the downtown area, and there are no lights (zero, nada) in the Wall Street community, particularly alown Water Street. I know for a fact that a major insurance company had five feet of water in its lobby, flooding all the utilities, mechanical and electronic, and has shut its offices for two months They are trying to connect incoming phone calls to employees’ homes, wher technicians try to work on home gear, accessing data bases in safe out-of- town backup facilities. This slow-down of our world-power financial community is not advertised, and people are working 24/7 to clear salt water residues from sensitive equipment , to get us up as soon as possible. We will survive and prevail, and the T&V working people will soon be able to take the recovered subway trains to their Wall Street jobs. Those who deny global warming do not belong in our government ,
Many thanks to the East Greenwich Garden people and their cherrypicker from Rhode Island, who came to help clean up NYC two weeks ago, currently clearing up .Stuyvesant Square Park tree damage. I’ll do Sandy stories later, send some to
Labels: Allstate, Arab nukes, automobile destroyed, automobile drowned, hurricane, Obama, Sandy, Stuyvesant Town garageIran nukes.